Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Living a Dream

A friend I hadn’t heard from in a while asked me on Facebook how I was doing.  I thought for a minute before responding, “I’m living a dream.”  Since that day I began thinking of how very true that statement was. 
One may look at my life and not see anything significant.  One may see that I do not have worldly success (I do not even have a job), fame or fortune.  What I do have is a husband whom I love and loves me in return, three healthy boys whom I care for and nurture, and most of all, my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  This may not seem like a great feat, or anything to boast of, but if you knew my past, you might think differently.
As a child—abused by my father, neglected by my mother, and feeling abandoned by both—I spent my play time playing “house.”  It was my favorite thing to play.  I would insist on being the mother and I would rock my baby doll in my arms and coo to her, just the way I had desired my mother to do.  Since then, I possessed a nurturing spirit about me that is still with me today.  Not only do I pour out my motherly care upon my children, but upon my adult nieces and nephews, and my peers as well. 
When I came to the Lord at the age of twenty I refrained from asking God to help me to find a husband.  I didn’t have confidence in myself that I could have a healthy, loving relationship with a man in marriage, nor did I feel that I could raise children with the love that they needed.  After all, I never was the recipient of this kind of love.  Thus I felt that I didn’t have it in me to give. 
Over time, God began changing my heart and mind.  Little by little, His love transformed me.  And as His love poured into my heart and healed my heart, love began to pour out of me into others.  Because of this work that God was doing in me, I began to pray and ask God to send me a husband, a man who seeks after His heart.  Throughout my twenties, I clung to this dream of having a healthy, loving relationship with a man of God, and to rear healthy, holy children together.  When I speak of having a healthy relationship with a man, I mean that it would not be characteristic of the types of dysfunction that my parents possessed.  I desired a relationship that was filled with love, peace, and joy—not anger, hatred, and violence, like I witnessed as a child. 
I married at thirty to a man of God.  Even so, we were still sinners, and made many mistakes.  We fell short of behaving as husband and wife in a way that was pleasing to God.  Of the eight years that we were married, I continued to pray that God bring my dream to fruition, but there were many obstacles to this end.  We endured many trials such as:  I suffered from post-partum depression for years unknowingly; our second child had mental health issues; I had four miscarriages.  In the midst of the trials was the baggage that my husband and I carried into the marriage.  An unfortunate fact is that my husband became so busy with life that he didn’t turn to God for help.  So even though we prayed together and sought God’s grace in our life before marriage, it stopped once we were married. 
I pressed on in striving to fulfill my dream.  I not only prayed and put my faith in God that He would bring it to pass, but I also put much time and effort in doing my part.   Throughout the eight years of marriage I attended counseling, read books on how to be a good wife and mother, listened daily to Focus on the Family (hosted by family psychologist Dr. James Dobson), attended parenting workshops, and attended a twelve- step support group called CoDependency Anonymous, in the hopes of behaving healthier in my marriage.   And after all that, my marriage failed.  At the time of my divorce I had two children, ages six and seven, and was pregnant with our third child.  Where was my dream then? 
Within the year following my divorce, God reminded me of my dream.  I had lost mind of it for a while, but God brought it to mind, and with it, He gave me hope and faith to believe that I could still have it.  I had the knowledge from God’s Word that “with God, all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26) and I believed it to be true.  My faith was not unfounded.  Only three years had passed when God blessed me with a second chance—my husband Steve. 
Steve and I have been married four years, and every day that has passed, I realize that I am living my dream!  In my dream these past twenty years I had a husband who was loving and kind, and who loved the Lord; healthy children who also loved the Lord.  We lived in a home that was filled with love, peace and joy; laughter and fun—a home that was safe and nurturing.  Let me encourage you as I share the fruit of my prayers.  (“May God powerfully bring to fruition every effort of your faith.”      2 Thessalonians 1:11)
I wake each morning to Steve’s words as he whispers in my ear, “I love you Holly.”  As Steve goes off to work, I go about my duties as a stay-at-home mom.  I value this tremendously as it has always been my desire to give my children all that I didn’t have—not toys or fancy clothes—a mom—my time.  This includes being home to pack their lunches for school, wishing them a happy day when they leave in the morning, having snacks ready for them when they get home, helping them with their homework, playing a game of cards, and tucking them into bed at night with a prayer and a kiss.  I am so grateful to be home that I don’t even mind the other not-so-glamorous tasks such as cleaning the toilets or washing dirty underwear. 
My prayer to God has always been that my husband and children know Him and love Him.  Two years ago I began to pray and have faith in God’s Word that “Me and my household will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)  Little by little since then I have seen God moving in Steve and the boys, bringing them closer to Him.  Steve and I began going to a new church this past year and we anxiously wait for Sundays when we get to worship God—the God who brought us together.  Steve serves in a ministry at church, attends Bible classes and fellowships in small groups.  It is wonderful to share my faith with him, and I am so grateful to God for this. 
 My teen boys have been attending the youth group at our church and since then, Steve and I are seeing changes in them that testify that they are experiencing Jesus in a personal way.  My thirteen old posted these words on Facebook this past Thanksgiving, “No one’s going to stop me from being addicted to my Lord Jesus Christ.  I thank you for changing my life.  Everybody needs you and I pray that soon enough they will realize that.  I love you Jesus.”  Not only are my teen boys being touched by God’s grace.  Last week my six year old wrote a book as he sat at our kitchen table, entitled “I Love Myself.”  His last words in the book say, “But most of all, I love myself because God loves me.”  Sweet words to a praying mother. 
I can also testify that God answered my prayer that my children be healthy.  Approximately one year ago God healed my son of early-onset bipolar.  He was on a very potent drug for nine years until God told me to stop praying for his healing.  My son has gone fourteen months without medication and without the horrible symptoms of bipolar.  Not only did God heal my son, but he also healed me of twenty years clinical depression, and two years of severe fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.  I have been walking in freedom from mental and physical health issues for about two years now.  So you see…as I gaze out the window of our peaceful, country home, my thoughts are raised to God.  He fulfilled the promise that He made to me twenty years ago… “Keep all my decrees and laws and follow them…you will possess their land; I will give it to you as an inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey.”  (Leviticus 20:22, 24)  God has satisfied the desires of my heart and has provided for all of my needs…and so—I am living a dream! 

Go to Holly's website. Buy her books. Be inspired.

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